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“We don't write much here..”
19 AUGUST 2022
Why be a part of the ACM IIIT-Delhi Student Chapter?
It still feels like yesterday when a couple of my batchmates and I registered ACM IIIT-Delhi Student Chapter as a Club in our college. Back then, we were a team of barely 5 members with very little idea of what the club should represent. We sat together, ideated, discussed, and expanded our team. Now, 20 months down the line, what was once a small community is now the body to organize multiple ideathons, competitive coding events, sessions on research and many other challenging events for students @IIITD.
While being a part of ACM, I found the opportunity to interact with not just my own batchmates but also my juniors and seniors, whom I definitely wouldn’t have met otherwise. I ended up finding a close friend in many of them, learning an immense lot from the times I got to organize events with them.Thanks to this, I have expanded my skill-set as I went through the process of coding contest creation, budgeting and management, something that I was only a participant in the past to. Oftentimes, it was the participants' submissions which led me to an entirely new perspective on technological concepts I had learnt earlier.
- I can’t forget to mention the immense support we received from our faculty coordinator, especially during the initial phase of our functioning; getting the opportunity to interact, discuss and network with professionals.
- If you still wonder, why be a part of the club? Well, you get to do a little bit of everything. You can work on your designs, content, event management,web development, contest creation or enhance any other skill of your interest, pushing yourself to get out of that comfort zone. You get to network with a diverse group of people and make friends along the way. Our student chapter is also registered with the ACM community, which gives you abundant resources to dive into the field of research and build significant connections that will help you learn and showcase your talents in the best way possible. The club even invites distinguished ACM professionals for talks and sessions, helping you network with people in industry and academia.
- I do realize that the club is in its early phase and that we haven't yet given full justice to its vision of organizing events that are an amalgamation of technology and research, something ACM chapters are well known for.
- Despite that, I wholeheartedly believe that the new team we have is capable of diversifying the set of events and sessions we have planned for the future. Our team is also working on creating our very own blogging space where anyone can talk about their experiences, advancements in the fields of technology and research, their own journeys of making discoveries along the way, and so much more!
- While the club's responsibility lies in the hands of the new coordinators, I can safely say that the ACM chapter has a plethora of fun-filled sessions, competitive events, and insightful talks planned for you in the upcoming semester. And while being a spectator is comfortable and exhilarating in its own way; we welcome you to be a part of the club; help organize those events, and expand your own network and skill set along the way! If you have an amazing idea that aligns with the club's vision, you need not wait for the usual recruitment drive! Get in touch with the existing team to discuss your ideas and take it forward from there, we promise to help you bring it to fruition. :)

Gitansh Raj Satija
Mentor at ACM IIIT-D